A Slackerz Guide 2 Travel – Dispatch from Latin America Supplemental: Adios El Salvador

El Salvador was a late addition to our travel plans. There was nothing particular drawing us there, but it was much cheaper and faster to fly into San Salvador than it was into Guatemala City. This time and cost saving, plus a love of scratching additional countries off the map, led us to book tickets…

Nine Things 27/2/2022

I’m on a vacation of sorts, more of a staycation but in someone else’s home. Relaxing by a pool, listening to people complain about the heat, trying to find time to read without interruption, failing miserably in that quest, things of that nature. I don’t think I’m alone in finding vacations to be fairly, well…

Nine Things 11/7/2022

I have always considered myself a writer. This is a particularly bold proclamation considering I have zero published writings to my name. But as both ancient philosophers and current girlfriends constantly champion the power of manifestation, and since people will mostly just accept things that you tell them as true despite the extreme ease of…

Let’s talk about Hoi An, and through Hoi An let’s talk about how we talk about countries as backpackers. The first thing that I notice about Hoi An is that is beautiful, the second is that there are a lot of tourists, the third is that is expensive. The first thing causes the other things,…